Friday 27 September 2024

Rust ,Cyanotype and natural dyeing.

Debby had been creating some lovely pieces using onion skins to dye some fabric before adding in machine stitching to create the onions .

She had used some keys to rust dye fabric then used seed stitch to add background texture .If you visited our ‘Found ‘ exhibition you would have seen these .

She made a bag with onion dyed  fabric adding in some commercial cotton fabric depicting onions .

With her classes in Stoke Lodge she had done some Cyanotype printing achieving a good print of an Allium.

These little books were an experiment to see how they might reproduce if copied.

The copies are slightly less vibrant but only noticeable when seen next to the original.


Thursday 26 September 2024

Personal stories.

Taking inspiration from her grandmother’s Victorian scrapbook Alison has created a cloth version using vintage postcard and appliquéd items observed on her walks.

Another piece uses a fan shape reminiscent of those used by ladies in bygone times to show details of areas of Durham Downs.

Another uses the commemorative benches on the Downs with the wording to the remembered used in the background.

And finally her journey on the Downs when recovering and recuperating from knee surgery .

They all hang well together .


Tuesday 24 September 2024

Stamp and stitch challenge.

As part of Found we decided to create a little opportunity for visitors.We used printing blocks to stamp on a square of fabric .These have been used to stitch into to show as samples as to what may be achieved.These can be used on a card ,create patches on clothing or add as decoration to book covers.Anything really you want and it is an introduction to stitch.

A little glimpse of another easily achieved idea ….bookmarks on coloured tyvek made by Viv.


Monday 23 September 2024

September- finalising ‘Found’

We were short on members this time .We had loose ends and last minute ‘to do ‘ for Found to 
sort out  .Even so we managed to bring along some interesting things.Sue is continuing her journey with painting and brought along some examples of papers created  with Rita Dee ,
They  use tissue ,paint ,acrylic and alcohol ink on the surface.Some have been randomly applied and one in stripes.

Scrim has been added to the final one making for an interesting textured surface .Theses will form the under layer of a painting adding surface interest.

Jenn and Fumi  had joined in the TextileArtist free stitch club workshop given by Deb Cooper www, were encouraged to create a piece of fabric using up small fabric pieces and oddments  of ribbon and lace . Over this you hand stitch using various weights of thread and types of stitch ,as fancy as you like.The next stage was to tie these up in bundles then make hot strong tea and put in a jam jar to steep .After 24hours take out and leave to dry naturally before unrolling .

A further version was to add rusty objects to the bundle and do as before .Jenn and Fumi haven’t quite got there yet but maybe next month we shall see the results.

Fumi wanted some feedback on where she might put her initial on the piece above ,and what we thought about her handmade packaging for her hand made jewellery.

We love her attention to small details .


Sunday 22 September 2024

Last days to catch FOUND.

If you haven’t yet visited and would like to see our work up close you are running out of time.We close on Wednesday 25th September at lunch time .

Your next chance to see us will be next year ,see above flyer

Tuesday 3 September 2024

Takuhon and other printmaking .


Debby always finds the interesting courses ,this time at Spike Island.A Japanese form of printing called TAKUHON. Apparently it was used to take images of large fish and historic monuments !

It involves placing damp paper ,usually thin like rice or Kozo paper over the object .A brush is used to push the paper into every area of the surface of the object to be printed.

Debby tried lots of different surfaces she found around the home.

The dry prints can be unwrapped and teased flat or left to show the various surfaces of the object.

The ink ,usually Sumi ,is applied with a dabber made from cotton wool .It is tied tightly with cotton and silk making a very firm flat surface.

Although black is usual there is no reason not to add colour.

Like all of us Debby has been preparing for ‘Found ‘at Prior 12-25 September.

She brought work done with Sue Brown at the Yard and  subsequently printed on fabric by Prinfab 

Some are destined for cushions ,framed pieces or lampshades.Beautiful rich colours and varied surfaces.

When we have had any sunny days this Summer she has been using Cyanotype.

Plants and plastic doilies have given good results.

Monday 26 August 2024

Almost ready for ‘Found’.

After taking some time playing with alternatives to border her birds Carol decided to keep them small .

She found the added border of pieced fabrics didn’t work as she would like .We love her birds and thought they should be the main focus to draw the eye to look at the exquisite detail,clever choice of fabric  and stitch.

Jenn had worked on her dolls adding in extra details with crocheted paper hats ,and baskets filled with their sale goods made from paper clay .She is ready for the exhibition apart from a few teaks here and there.