Sunday, 22 September 2013

More deliberations.

Now the piece has been done,what does it go best on ? This dark blue or
this neutral colour..... Come along to the exhibition to find out how it turns out.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

More decisions.

Ira had a query about this piece and whether it needed something more?Apologies for the dreadful picture but it was too dark and the flash came on,Ira was sat on the other side of the room from me.If you come along in October you can see the resolved piece and judge for yourself.She then tantalised us with several more pieces

Debby brought along a selection of her images she had had printed onto cloth by
She had begun to add stitch to embellish them.They are lovely colours ,very reminiscent of her batiks and St.Ives,one of her favourite places.


A lot of this month's meeting was given to our forthcoming exhibition at Bristol Guild.Jane had brought along her now complete exhibit that we have been oohhhhing and aaahhhhing over each time she has shown us her progress.

These are little areas showing the way she has used stitch across the whole cloth.The finished pieces are stunning,come and have a look for yourself in October.

In addition to her textile pieces Liz had brought along these books,one to do with quilts made by people in India.The other was a catalogue for an exhibition in Yorkshire in one of the mills peopled with workers from Saltaire.The exhibitors took the mill as their inspiration and produced some thought provoking pieces.If you are intereasted to see more go to
Sally brought along some additions to her elephant scroll,and we had a debate about how it will be presented.

Missing chessmen !

When checking yesterday I noticed the above photo hasn't downloaded,so here it is.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

September comes on apace.

India Flint has inspired more fabric dyeing the "eco"way .The photos show some results from Heather and Viv.Liz brought some lovely examples but put them away before I could get any photos.
 Heather had also been on a weekend workshop with Frances Pickering and brought along the beginning of what we're sure will turn into one of her stunning books.You can read more about her work on her blog

Monday, 9 September 2013



I am interested in fossils. What is a fossil? A fossil is evidence of 
ancient life preserved within the materials that make up the earth. They are 
usually found within a sedementary rock which was originally loose sediment 
such as mud, silt and sand but could be entombed in natural tars,resins or 
even ice. Most fossils are millions of years old and can be 542 million 
years old.
Fossils are dominated by invertebrates, that is animals with durable shells 
or skeletons. Plants tend to be scarce as fossils.
I have been photographing ammonites, nautiloids and fossilised fish, as a 
subject for drawing, pastel work and for executing as 3D objects in fabric, 
wire and threads. IW.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Last of August.

This is Viv's work in progress ,it typifies this Summer with its glorious blues.
Heather meanwhile harnessed the power of the sun to print these alliums.

Sally brought along two pieces,her scroll which you can see at the Bristol Guild in October.The other was this piece of fabric printed by from her own work .It is based on birches she drew on her recent travels.She intends to work into the piece so watch out for it in future posts.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

September already.

It seems the year is slipping by very quickly.October will be upon us sooner than we think,with that it mind you may wish to put these dates in your diary....
Apologies for the 'wonky'photo but I used my I-pad which is none too wields for excuse anyway.Hope that lots of you will be able to come along.