Wednesday, 19 February 2025

February fish ,faces and crows.

Jenn had several things ‘on the go ‘
First was her sample from the Textile Artist free workshop with Susie Vickery .She chose a photo of Jeremy Bowen, the BBC correspondent, to work from .Jenn  isn’t satisfied with the mouth and certain proportions but a good introduction to portraits in stitch .One to come back to.

Following on from her crow ,she has begun another three dimensional one but he is still in pieces.She found some birds she had done on vintage quilts pieces after Mandy Patullo. Revisiting this idea she created a crow with hand stitch and appliqué .

She was given the book for Christmas which has some facts about Crows as well as illustrations.

Finally her take on last month’s challenge’ ticket /receipt’ 

She copied her library receipt and the borrowed library book onto cotton organdie ,then added some free machining.