Friday 19 November 2021

What can you do with a shelf full of books?

Sally has been pondering what to do next .She has been creating textile pieces and wonderful sketchbooks for so many years.She has a bookshelf crammed with lots done over time cataloguing and detailing her worldwide travels.

She had torn up lots of pieces and collaged them into a small concertina sketchbook to kickstart some ideas by working into them.

While doing this she happened across a sketchbook containing images and sketches of lots of windows she became fascinated with on a trip to Simla some eleven years ago.

We got excited too and feel this has much mileage .She had bought Shelley Rhodes new book 'Fragmentation and Repair' but wanted to pass it on as she didn't feel it relevant to her .We disagreed feeling these little jewel like drawings lend themselves to lots of lovely little pieces . 


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