Monday 26 August 2024

Almost ready for ‘Found’.

After taking some time playing with alternatives to border her birds Carol decided to keep them small .

She found the added border of pieced fabrics didn’t work as she would like .We love her birds and thought they should be the main focus to draw the eye to look at the exquisite detail,clever choice of fabric  and stitch.

Jenn had worked on her dolls adding in extra details with crocheted paper hats ,and baskets filled with their sale goods made from paper clay .She is ready for the exhibition apart from a few teaks here and there.


Sunday 25 August 2024

More darning and stitch.

Following on from Fumi Viv showed another favourite ,her husband’s sweater ,that required mending .This time it had been taken to a dry cleaner who offers the service ,and we were interested to see a similar technique employed though this was not hand darned.The outside hardly shows the mend.

In her own work Viv had started to add stitch to this rather lovely sun print.

We liked the raw edge and thought it would make a lovely piece.

She had also worked on a Dandelion embroidery.We remembered one she did several years ago for a challenge. 

It looks lovely in its frame.


Saturday 24 August 2024

Cosy toed favourites.

Fumi hadn’t long returned from Japan .While there she found time to attend a course by Hikaru  Noguchi.
Author of the book pictured.

It was all about mending and darning but not as we do it . It is worked from the back using blanket type stitch and maybe worked over a thin fabric layer for reinforcement.From the right side there is no hiding the mend ,rather celebrating it . 

As she had been away Fumi just brought some small pieces to see what we thought about her ideas for displaying them in Prior.

She wondered about putting the piece below ,and accompanying pieces ,in hoops or frames.We thought frames would be easier and less work.

The work  for exhibition is coming together and everything 
 should be quite varied and hopefully of interest to visitors.


Monday 19 August 2024

August and all boxed up .

 With barely a month before ‘Found ‘opens at Prior we had lots of loose ends to discuss and finalise  .A lot of the work is just about there but we were missing some members because of holiday and other commitments. We have a meeting the week that the show opens so it should give us the opportunity to get all sorted and ready to go .

Kirsten had beavered away to fill the boxes she had sourced in Clevedon with her handmade sewing tools and accoutrements.

She has really mined a productive theme employing her drawing and modelling skills to brilliant effect.She said there is no stitch but we had already signalled a move to include mixed media as we employ more than stitch in our explorations.

She had used Prinfab to print some of her drawings on calico but got the measurements wrong ,meaning the pieces came out much larger than anticipated.Suggestions included turning them into teatowels or bags .

Maybe some framed pieces or adding in some colour .We’re sure she’ll come up with a great idea.