Friday 6 October 2023

Japan adventure.

Fumi had returned from her Japan visit with lots of goodies.She said the two main islands which make up Japan are very different .The North Island is colder from the South island and the textiles differ .She had visited a workplace creating Shibori and bought a book Japanese .The threads below are the remains from tying the fabric to create the patterns.

She had picked up a scrap bag of dyed fabrics.The patterns are so tiny and intricate and must take a tremendous skillet produce .

Fumi talked about the Boro exhibition on in London with some feeling .She feels very ambivalent to the way it is portrayed thinking there must be more emphasis on the Cultural back story to reference better understanding and to move it forward.Many original users and creators of Boro did so out of extreme poverty and necessity .

She had been working on tiny amirugumi ,developing her own patterns . The threads are stranded embroidery .

and adding more textures to her box lid.

This sample size gin bottle gives a good idea of the tiny size she works .

Her black and white sampler was taken to Japan and she was able to add to it as and when she could steal some time.Included and a reminder of her trip ,melon seeds ,champagne foil and an eye mask ! 

Such fun .


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