Tuesday 3 September 2024

Takuhon and other printmaking .


Debby always finds the interesting courses ,this time at Spike Island.A Japanese form of printing called TAKUHON. Apparently it was used to take images of large fish and historic monuments !

It involves placing damp paper ,usually thin like rice or Kozo paper over the object .A brush is used to push the paper into every area of the surface of the object to be printed.

Debby tried lots of different surfaces she found around the home.

The dry prints can be unwrapped and teased flat or left to show the various surfaces of the object.

The ink ,usually Sumi ,is applied with a dabber made from cotton wool .It is tied tightly with cotton and silk making a very firm flat surface.

Although black is usual there is no reason not to add colour.

Like all of us Debby has been preparing for ‘Found ‘at Prior 12-25 September.

She brought work done with Sue Brown at the Yard and  subsequently printed on fabric by Prinfab 

Some are destined for cushions ,framed pieces or lampshades.Beautiful rich colours and varied surfaces.

When we have had any sunny days this Summer she has been using Cyanotype.

Plants and plastic doilies have given good results.

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