Saturday, 1 March 2025

Mixed media assortment.

Debby had also created some quilt and go pieces but felt Fumi’s were neater. Just different ,much like our handwriting.

She had spent some time with her Mum who had to visit A&E .Not a place any of us would choose to spend time .

This little stitch journal gave Debby something to occupy her hands and mind while she was there,
and records the  blue of the cubicle curtains ,a feather and a new moon for the Chinese New Year.

She brought along some prints ,this Drypoint one of trees created at a Stoke Lodge class and using plastic as a plate.

Some collographs that she had tried on fabric but was disappointed they were very pale.

And finally her response to the monthly prompt.A collection of receipts and tickets stitched and used on a notebook cover.


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