Monday 14 November 2016

Mist and mellow fruitfulness.....

Sally had been looking back at some  sketchbooks and brought one to show,picture above and below.They show her love of observing detail.

She had gone away from our last meeting and experimented with her 'bundles'

hanging them from found twigs.They look very interesting and some were of the opinion they looked better laid on a background,we all have our own preferences and are free to choose.

She had also started a new concertina sketch book this Autumn

filling it with rich and colourful observations of garden plants.

Such a lovely reminder of how beautiful this Autumn has been

She had joined the three week  Drawing School collage course run by Esme Clutterbuck.

producing these .

Sally wasn't too happy with them but we thought they provided a different way of working.Using a viewfinder and isolating areas will give some delicious areas ripe for development.

We shall have to see if anything comes of them.

1 comment:

  1. I love Sally's books and the drawing course sounds very interesting.
