Thursday 30 May 2024

Felt and print

Kirsten continues her felt work ,this from her online group she has kept up with since COVID .The angel is so playful and uses a shape often seen at Christmas but this is nature inspired.
She had also made a pair of slippers and a bag with a clever construction.

She had  been printing her latest Print Club contribution.This time the prompt was Fossils and she had tried at first to print on Watercolour paper but it didn’t work too well so went back to smooth surfaced paper.We look forward to seeing the book of all the other contributors. Such a lovely way to keep them together and a very special keepsake.

Kirsten has been a member of Clevedon Art Club for many years .They often have visiting artists who give  workshops .The latest was Jessica Palmer who offered paper cutting.Kirsten’s piece is below .Some lovely Autumnal hues with a great movement.

She is still adding to her work box , creating items from unusual sources.It is going to be a wonder of ingenuity.


Tuesday 28 May 2024

Home improvement.

Debby had been having work done at home so wasn’t able to get on and concentrate without interruption.
Having said that she still managed to begin Sue Bulmer’s free course and prepare the courses she will be teaching at Stoke Lodge as well as attending a Cyanotype workshop with the Quilters Guild.

She had bought a new Gelli plate which needed bedding in as it was repelling the paint .

They are quite interesting but can always be used in collage or overprinted.

She had spent some time in St Ives recently  visiting a Micheal Praed exhibition and doing some ‘en plain air’ sketching .

and exploring the distinctive blue grey and terracotta which typifies the town ,

In her workbook.

This little lino was done at a free drop in at Prior with  Rosanna Morris  for her book launch .Debby always manages to find out about the most interesting creative events .She has been working with paper porcelain at Badminton school to explore some 3 dimensional ideas another venue she found offering courses with limited places.


Monday 27 May 2024

100 days .

Fumi had completed the 100 days book with Ann Wood .She had been given scraps of Kaffe Fassett fabrics left from a workshop due to be binned .She has also used recycled fabrics for the ‘pages’ mainly shirts and jeans .

We loved the outcome but thought it would be a pity to hide the pages within a book .We thought a hanging would make such an impact.Some discussion ensued as to what colour might be suitable for smashing and border.There was a coral cushion to hand which seemed a likely colour.

She had also been referencing Naum Gabo and stitching into paper with a plan to branch into 3D .Perspex was mentioned which would involve a new skill set .

Bottle tops and shells had also been transformed with crochet to hold them .Some shells had been filled with resin and small beads .

           and a pebble  was being given a hug in its own little jacket 

Following on from her ‘pebble’ prints  is this Alphabet .

Can you spot the ‘deliberate ‘ misprints ?


Friday 24 May 2024

Looking back and looking forward.

Sue had been thinking about a fourth kinoptic piece to do with Bristol.She had been exploring venues and ideas when she came across the very iconic Harbourside view .It appealed to her but as a painting with water mixable oils .She just went for it choosing a sizeable canvas and produced this stunner . The colours really sing out and put her stamp on it .We may still see another kinoptic piece  as she was very taken with Concorde ,especially the instrument panels ,see Circle page.

Sally had been looking back and brought along her book compiled when doing City and Guilds.

They researched and explored such a variety of British  embroidery .She wondered whether to make use of parts to create work or to just stick it back in the drawer .We wondered if it might be donated to an organisation to keep as a very useful resource for research or practical purposes.

Viv was buoyed by her exhibition with the 1904  group ,selling a piece created during Lockdown.Being the only textile exhibitor she attracted a lot of comment and admiration.

She had begun preparing for another piece of work .She has chosen a thistle and made preparatory studies ,colouring and choosing cloth as well as cutting out stencilled leaves.


Thursday 23 May 2024

May 2024 -Circle prompt

After a computer malfunction and a loss of April’s  photos we are back with May’s offerings .The monthly prompt was CIRCLE and below are the various ways it was interpreted.