Monday 27 May 2024

100 days .

Fumi had completed the 100 days book with Ann Wood .She had been given scraps of Kaffe Fassett fabrics left from a workshop due to be binned .She has also used recycled fabrics for the ‘pages’ mainly shirts and jeans .

We loved the outcome but thought it would be a pity to hide the pages within a book .We thought a hanging would make such an impact.Some discussion ensued as to what colour might be suitable for smashing and border.There was a coral cushion to hand which seemed a likely colour.

She had also been referencing Naum Gabo and stitching into paper with a plan to branch into 3D .Perspex was mentioned which would involve a new skill set .

Bottle tops and shells had also been transformed with crochet to hold them .Some shells had been filled with resin and small beads .

           and a pebble  was being given a hug in its own little jacket 

Following on from her ‘pebble’ prints  is this Alphabet .

Can you spot the ‘deliberate ‘ misprints ?


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