Tuesday 28 May 2024

Home improvement.

Debby had been having work done at home so wasn’t able to get on and concentrate without interruption.
Having said that she still managed to begin Sue Bulmer’s free course and prepare the courses she will be teaching at Stoke Lodge as well as attending a Cyanotype workshop with the Quilters Guild.

She had bought a new Gelli plate which needed bedding in as it was repelling the paint .

They are quite interesting but can always be used in collage or overprinted.

She had spent some time in St Ives recently  visiting a Micheal Praed exhibition and doing some ‘en plain air’ sketching .

and exploring the distinctive blue grey and terracotta which typifies the town ,

In her workbook.

This little lino was done at a free drop in at Prior with  Rosanna Morris  for her book launch .Debby always manages to find out about the most interesting creative events .She has been working with paper porcelain at Badminton school to explore some 3 dimensional ideas another venue she found offering courses with limited places.


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