Thursday 22 November 2018


Sally admitted to not having any of her own work to show this month as she and Viv are busy cataloguing 200+ Miaou items destined for Bristol Museum.Between them they have such such a wealth of knowledge about the items they have collected  the museum want them to provide  as much information as possible.No one  else would be able to provide such detail, is envisaged they will be added to the database and that there might be an exhibition in 2021.This would be so welcome as textile items rarely see the light of day, unless a visit is requested to see behind the scenes.
She brought along these shoes, I think she said they are Song ming ?and are the type of shoes worn by women who had their feet bound.
Red was a sign of virtue, the practice went on well into the 60s.Even though women were smaller the shoes are barely the size of a small child's.So many practices around the World have existed  to the detriment of women.

Viv has continued to work on her poppies.She had found it interesting to work with mono prints and outside her normal colour choice.

She has added small pieces of fabric to the surface 

and begun to add stitch.You can see the printing in the shot below.Next ,after this one is done she plans to work on her Sunflowers.

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