Tuesday 18 June 2024


Sue had made a start on her Concorde instrument panel .Stitching onto khadi paper with a backing to reinforce.In the above image you can see where it has been cut away.We liked the empty dials and suggested it could be left like that .She intended to add in the numbers but we will see what she decides.

She has been continuing with her watercolour class and is producing some lovely examples .

A page of practising different trees.

And a collage of different made and found papers .

Kirsten could see a horizon and a landscape ,which way up do  you like ?

For last month’s prompt ‘COUCH’ she brought two samples .This richly coloured one has such a lot of work with beautiful stitched circles overlaid with a variety of couched threads .Sue said she might reuse and recycle into cards by cutting it up !

The base of this is Sue’s handmade paper with inclusions and embedded couched threads of different kinds.This could be framed as a piece in its own right.



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