Friday 21 June 2024

Lots of interesting things.

Debby had had a busy month but it hadn’t stopped her sharing some interesting things.First was this lovely stitched piece,above , of a container of flowers beautifully matched to the background fabrics.
She had picked up this circular mount very cheaply and used it to frame her dandelion clock ,from our first monthly prompt .

And a framed piece featuring her trademark bird with keys 

       And some lettering inviting the viewer to choose  their dream .These will probably put in an appearance in our Prior shop exhibition in September this year .

She had been teaching at Stoke Lodge where she and her students had used Cyanotype fabric sheets to create some images .Debby had great success with the plastic doily you see above .

She also tried with an image  printed on inkjet transparency film .It was less successful but there all the same .The sheets she used are those from .The  technique was developed by  Anna Atkins and Herschel in the early days of photography.

She wondered about using pressed flowers like these beautiful seaweed cards she had purchased .They are from Molesworth Bird in Dorset.www.molesworth

She had sent her piece created in a workshop with Sue Brown at to .The resulting piece of fabric will be used to create something unique to Debby.We will have to wait and see what.

And finally her response to Couch .


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