Sunday 23 June 2024

No stopping Kirsten !

Such a lot to look at ,Kirsten’s ideas just keep coming.She has added to her paper clay items for her work box employing drawing and modelling skills . In the embroidery ring are some of her drawings printed on silk organza by Prinfab.

She has found yet another couple of  perfect boxes to display her drawings of all things sewing related.

She has mounted her original box with some of her creations 

and has spares still to use .

Not finished she has used a tetrapak to create some prints…..

She had also been reading some books related to women and embroidery.Amongst them this one 

which set Kirsten thinking ,some workbook deliberations ,a bit of rooting around and unearthing produced several items she owns.

that might have been kept in her personal pocket.

                                                         and she’s off down another route!

In case interested these were the other books .


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