Sunday 30 June 2024

Last offerings for June .

Viv had made excellent progress with her Thistle piece .She wondered if there was too much space at the top of the piece and whether it needed something extra.There were mixed  opinions ,some thought it was okay as is ,others suggested the addition of a butterfly .A look online found species attracted to thistles ,
Viv will make up her own mind and we shall see what she decides.

She brought the above piece for Couch ,admitting it was done a while ago but still relevant.

Jenn hadn’t achieved as much this month She had a go at natural dyeing ,choosing nettles as they were plentiful .She used a variety of fabrics but silk ,on the far right was the most successful.Her Couch is below ,some threads on a faint card print .

She had also made this doll .She had an idea to create some based on Bristol Delft figurines .

This doll proved a challenge because of the small size but the idea may still be explored.

She had found something online at for inspiration .It was illustrations by Marcellus Laroon called ‘Cries of London.’ , lots of engravings of street hawkers and traders .

Keep watching to see if it progresses …….or not!


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