Friday 28 June 2024


Fumi had sought out a suitable colour cloth to create her hanging ,instead of hiding the ‘pages’ away inside a book .

She continues to amaze us with her ingenuity in finding things on a small scale to turn into tiny works of art.This time it was knitting on twigs and an ice cream spoon !

She had followed a couple of workshops on ‘Making Zen ‘ which were published for 24 hours.It 

Included the butterfly ,this boat coaster 

and these tiny specimens.

This is a clever two sided purse 

Fastened with poppers to create two pockets.

She has also branched out into three dimensional stitching from her last month’s offerings.

She brought along her treasure boxes filled with all kinds of loveliness.

We discussed ideas as how Fumi might display them to best effect ,as they deserve close inspection and showing off .

Her interpretation of Couch.

And unsurprisingly tiny weaving but on the leftovers of a delicious meal !


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